Does a New Year present an opportunity for new expectations? One of the hardest things to do in life is to lift yourself out of your current circumstances and step up to the level of life you desire. A New Year offers the opportunity to lift yourself up and to take a look.
We all live with an unconscious expectation of ourselves and our own lives. This expectation not only determines what we have in our lives, but it also represents that for which we are willing to settle. Expectation is a very powerful emotion and one that very few people ever learn to fully cultivate. Whatever you expect with certainty is what you will get in your life. Some powerful ways to set about this is through meditation, manifesting, cultivating and using the law of attraction principles and developing a very clear vision for your life.
Expectation is the emotional state where an idea becomes so real that you feel it. It can be an invisible magnet that will attract into your life that which you expect. Expectation is a mindset of absolute certainty that can be consciously cultivated.
Instead of "seeing" something fail or succeed, you must focus on seeing the success. With expectation your actions, your words and your imagination dwells upon and reflects you already having and being exactly what you want.
A lot of people expect the worst and hope for the best. Our cultural conditioning has taught us things like "don't get your hopes up", just in case you might be disappointed. We think if we to aim low that everything above that will be a bonus. Right? Wrong!
Remember that what you expect with certainty is what you will get in your life. Do not just settle for an ordinary life. If you want to lift your life and the quality of your life to a higher level than what it is at the moment, you need to start by raising your expectations. Raise your expectations of what you are as a person and what you believe you deserve. See, what you believe you deserve is based on your expectations. When you lift your expectations to a higher level you raise your own standards and raising your standards is the first step to improving your life.
When you expect only the very best you will get only the very best. You have to stop settling for less than you can be or have. On a deep psychological level this is exactly what creates your expectations. Expectations are ideas that are built on solid rock. They are unshakeable; unlike hopes and wishes that will wash away with the first storm that comes along.
You need no special skills or knowledge to raise your expectations. You simply need a decision that from this point onwards you will never again settle for anything less than you can possibly be. The difference between hoping for something with uncertainty and depending on something with expectation is by the way you control and direct the focus of your mind. What you say to yourself, the images you visualise, and your behaviour are what you can consciously control and direct. But only if you choose to. If not, you will revert back to the autopilot of just going with the flow of whatever comes along. Only through conscious and consistent nurturing of your desires and emotions can you live life by your own standards and create the expectations that will lead you to a life of abundance and fulfilment.
Great expectations create great results. When you expect the best, it will become a directional mechanism that will guide you to seeking out and finding what you expect. The difference between great expectations and weak hopes is nothing but a mindset; a mindset created through deciding on your vision and the behaviours that can make the difference between living a life of fulfilment and one of desperation and frustration. This year, 2025, think through, decide on and then create great expectations for yourself and nurture them by never settling for anything less than the best.